Saturday, July 26, 2008

A few good men

Leave it to me to get all excited about therapeutic blogging and then go MIA for a month. I have still been writing, don't you worry, but I have also been stupid busy. But since neither of these are likely to change about me, I'm making time to get back on track.
I think I got into the mindset that I had to have something profound to write every time. But then I took a cue from my roommate, the queen of online communication, and just decided to report a little of the random joys of my life.

So... Today's topic is one of my favorite: Good Men. Not to be confused with boys, jerks, or stupid men. Good men are very rare - though they shouldn't be. Every male of the species has the ability to be a good man, but very few make the choices that allow him to be one. I have some casual friends like this that I enjoy a lot. We have fun together and can flirt and play and eat and be dumb. But that's about it. I can't get into really deep philosophical conversation with them cuz they simply don't care about life like I do. They don't have the same passion for obedience and the gospel, so I can't share all of who I am. I have fun with them, but that's where it ends. I could never be in a relationship with anyone who doesn't have the same drive to simply be good. It doesn't make you a nerd, it allows you to be divinely happy - and that's the best kind of happiness:)

I know a few guys like this. My roommates' boyfriends are really good guys (see their blogs). I have a couple friends at church who take it seriously and live the good life. My brother and dad are awesome men. But recently, I realized just how wonderful a good man can be - and how much better i can be with one.

A few weeks ago I met another good man. A great man, in fact. In just 2 days, this guy redeemed every hope I had ever lost on MANkind. And meeting him renewed my faith that a righteous, attractive, motivated man does exist and that one day I might find one who will adore me as much as I adore him. (I had some serious doubts for a while) I would love if it could be this man.... sigh.... and yes after just 2 days...
Why? Well in that brief time we talked about more than some of my friends have learned about me in months. The conversation just rolled so easily all day. It was so comfortable and happy. It was personal, equal, and mutually edifying. Even the few moments of silence were completely comfortable. As strange as it may sound, I really felt like I had seen him somewhere before. He had this pleasant familiarity about him. We connected. Our personalities just kind of fit. He laughed at all my quirky jokes and mused over my expressive noises:) I was completely myself with him and he saw the full range: from giddy, girly sillyness to tough and competitive, introspective and spiritual. And he has so many of those characteristics too!
He was flirty but not obvious or crude. There were moments when I would kind of glance at him out of the corner of my eye, grinning like a goof cuz i was so happy around him, and he would be looking over at me the same way:)
He's chivalrous, but not obviously. He opened all my doors and bought me lunch. He set the table and did the dishes. And he didn't just offer to help and then sit, he would just take over the work. He's strong, tough, and protective, but sensitive, tactful, and an incredible listener.
And on top of all that, this guy is so good looking! The moment I saw him, I was like, "Dang he is beautiful, who is this man?!" He has sandy brown hair, broad shoulders, addictively soul-piercing blue eyes that you can see across the room, cuz he's also way tan. He's physically fit, has the biggest smile ever and (that day) had just enough scruff. He's rugged handsome, and I love manly men!
This probably sounds obsessive. But you know what? When you meet someone that wonderful who makes you feel that good in just a couple days, he's not easy to forget! I'm not naming any names or too many specific details cuz I have to keep some sort of wits about me! I will explain though, due to tricky circumstances, we only had 2 days, and I won't see him again for a few months. Hence why I have not been able to show off my Supermen. Technically he's not really mine! But i feel internally taken;)
I know I will see him again and that gives me something great to look forward to, which helps me push through the muck of every day life. And holding onto the idea of this not-perfect-but-still-really-wonderful man helps keep me from settling for any less or being less than I am. He represents the dream of what could be - even if its not necessarily him;)

Okay, I'm done with that adventure... for now. I'll follow-up in November:)

1 comment:

Harper said...




The suspense is torture!

(We're glad you're happy!)