Saturday, November 29, 2008


Do you ever see people who are just naturally beautiful? I'm not talking about people in magazines or celebrities. Those pics are all photo-shopped anyway.

Sometimes I see pictures of people I know and it just blows my mind how beautiful they are. Flawless skin; perfect bright smiles; stylish, healthy hair; eyes that seem to pierce your soul, or even great body shape are all things I struggle with. I mean, I clean up alright, but on the average day I am not beautiful. I am pale and have terrible skin, slightly stained teeth and a crooked smile. I'm fit and healthy, but I'm short and certainly not super curvy. I love my golden-brown eyes and red hair, but I've always felt my sass and personality had to make up for what I lacked in physical appeal.

I know that we each have our own brand of beauty, and I know I'm not ugly, but I have some really beautiful friends. It's intimidating. And every so often I see a photo and just think, "Wow, she/he is so beautiful!"

It shouldn't make me any less attractive, but sometimes I wish I could look in the mirror and think that about the girl staring back.

1 comment:

Kjersti said...

Well, if you're not beautiful then I am a body builder and if I'm a body builder then you owe me a million dollars and if you owe me a million dollars then I will buy stock in ice cream and if I buy stock in ice cream then the world will become lactose intolerant, and if the world becomes lactose intolerant then children will cry because the summers will be unbearable and if the summers are unbearable then Disney World will close and if Disney World closes then how will I celebrate Halloween?

Good thing you're beautiful!

P.S. Do you ever stop and think how it can be intimidating to be your friend because you are so gorgeous, confident, friendly, cute with boys and awesome! Good thing I love you so much or I would be so freakin' jealous of you!